Commercial Moving

Office furniture installation for a post-COVID world

You are quickly heading towards moving day.  Looking at the floor plans of your new space you have excitement and dread.  You are excited for the new space to make it your own. But trying to get your existing furniture to work in the new space is a challenge.  Do I need an office furniture installer for my move or maybe we should have our staff do it?

Space Planning

Even if you’re moving to a building with similar square footage, the layout of the space will be different from your current space (i.e. location of columns, walkways, walls, electrical outlets, windows etc.).  That’s where a professional space planner comes in.  A space planner is trained and experienced to help you reconfigure your office space.  They will work to optimize traffic flows, maximize space, and improve the overall quality and functionality of your space.  This will improve everything from employee engagement, to bottom-line performance and productivity.

Office Furniture Installers

The space planner in turns maps out the layout and instructions for the office furniture installers.  Office furniture installers ensure all furniture pieces are safely, properly and efficiently uninstalled, packed and re-installed at your new location according to your needs. Many are experienced or even certified in various office furniture brands (Knoll, Haworth, Steelcase®).

Furniture installation for a post-COVID world

As a result of the current COVID world, office furniture installers are needed to configure your new or existing space to meet the return to office (CDC) guidelines.  For instance, office furniture installers can offer to:

  • Reconfigure your workstations/cubicles into a different layout.  For example, to help block the transmission of the Coronavirus,you might need to add glass partitions to low-walled cubicles.  Or you may have to make the cubicles larger by adding additional panels to your existing layout.
  • Make more room in your space.  Expert office furniture installers can recommend removing workstations, filing cabinets, tables, conference room furniture that are needed immediately.  They can also store those items for you until you need them later. You can then repurpose that space for social distanced desks.
  • Help deter the spread of Coronavirus.  Performing a thorough, industrial-grade cleaning gets rid of germs, bacteria, odor, and visibly improves aesthetics. Having your furniture professionally cleaned is a fast and effective way to slow the spread of the Coronavirus.

The furniture installation teams at JK is a solution to consider. Our installation teams have over 15 years of furniture installation experience that covers all major office furniture manufacturers. We follow real-time CDC protocols to safeguard the safety of our clients, staff and our crew.  Learn more about our planning and office installation services.
