Residential Moving

Your guide to employee relocation FAQs and residential moving

Congratulations! You’ve been offered a fantastic opportunity in a new location. This exciting chapter comes with logistical considerations, especially regarding your move. Here, we’ll answer some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about employee relocation programs and residential moving to help you navigate this transition smoothly.

What relocation benefits can I expect?

Relocation packages vary depending on your company’s policy and your position. Typical benefits include reimbursement for moving costs (packing, transportation), temporary housing assistance, and even help with finding a new home.

What are the tax implications of relocation benefits?

Some relocation benefits may be taxable as income. Check with your company’s relocation specialist or a tax professional to understand the specifics for your situation.

Planning Your Residential Move to Ensure a Stress-Free Experience

How much will my move cost?

Moving costs vary depending on the distance, the size of your home, and the services you require (packing, unpacking, insurance). Several online moving cost calculators can provide estimates.

Should I hire professional movers?

Professional movers can save you time and stress, but come at a cost. Consider factors like the distance of your move, the size of your home, and your physical capabilities when making this decision.

What about packing and unpacking?

Packing can be a daunting task. Many moving companies offer packing services, or you can choose to do it yourself. Here are some resources to help you get organized: * Packing tips for a stress-free moveEssential moving supplies checklist

How do I find a reputable moving company?

Get quotes from several licensed and insured movers. Check online reviews and ask your company’s relocation specialist for recommendations.

Booking Your Move

How far in advance should you book your move?

The earlier, the better. Allow at least three to four weeks’ notice for the relocation company to develop an estimate and schedule your employee’s move.

What’s the best time of year to move?

If possible, avoid scheduling moves in the last week of the month. And be aware that peak season, which runs from May to September, tends to be the busiest.

Coordinating Moving Day Logistics

Is it possible to close on a home and move on the same day?

Yes, but not advisable. Even with a house closing scheduled for early in the day, the moving team wouldn’t be able to start until at least noon. This pushes the move into the evening—or the next day.

What about traveling to a new location on the day of the move?

We strongly advise against it. A final walk-through of the home an employee is leaving might take longer than expected, and disrupt travel plans.

Can new furniture be delivered or services set up on moving day?

Adding another delivery or contractor to a busy moving site may impede progress. We recommend scheduling these extra deliveries and services for after the move.

Settling into Your New Home

What about temporary housing while I search for a permanent home?

Many relocation packages offer temporary housing assistance, such as in extended-stay hotels or furnished apartments. This allows you to explore different neighborhoods before making a decision.

What if I need help finding a new home?

Many companies offer relocation assistance programs that include help with finding a new home. They can connect you with real estate agents or provide access to online resources.

Additional Resources

