Residential Moving

Cold state living: Weighing the pros and cons for smart moves

Moving to states that are cold can be an exciting prospect, especially if you’re seeking a new adventure. Perhaps you’re dreaming of the allure of snowy landscapes and wintery outdoor activities. Or you simply desire a welcome change from heat and humidity.

Before you set out a “for sale” sign and pack up your belongings, you may want to consider the pros and cons of making such a move. This comprehensive guide will help you make the best decision for you. We’ll explore the advantages of cold weather and the disadvantages of living in cold states in the U.S.

What are the pros of moving to cold states in the U.S.?

If you’re contemplating a move to a colder climate, you may be drawn to popular states like Alaska, Montana, Maine, Wyoming, or Vermont. However, you still may be wondering about the cold weather benefits. The following are some advantages of cold-weather living.

Beautiful winter landscapes

One of the best pros of winter in a cold state is experiencing the beauty of snow-covered trees and breathtaking mountain vistas.

Cozy and inviting atmosphere

There may be snow days, but they do offer the opportunity to indulge in warm fires, hot chocolate, and comforting meals.

cold state living - fun activitiesFun cold-weather outdoor experiences and sports

Enjoy seasonal activities throughout the year and thrill in exhilarating winter sports such as skiing, snowboarding, ice skating, and snowshoeing. You may witness the northern lights or ice fish on a frozen lake.

Think clearer thoughts

Believe it or not, you’ll be able to improve mental clarity and cognition as cold air can be invigorating and stimulating to the brain.

Boost your immune system

Is it healthier to live in a cold climate? Yes! Exposure to cold temperatures can strengthen the immune system, increasing the body’s ability to fight infections and diseases.

Get better sleep

Cold temperatures can promote better sleep due to a cooler, more comfortable environment that helps regulate body temperature more effectively, leading to deeper and more restorative sleep.

Alleviate your seasonal outdoor allergies

Is living in a cold house good for your allergies? It can be! Cool, dry conditions can reduce allergens such as pollen and create relief – unless you also suffer from indoor allergies.

Burn more calories and fat

Cold-weather activities require more physical exertion, resulting in increased calorie and fat burn, plus improved cardiovascular health that strengthens your heart.

Rejuvenate your skin and lower inflammation

A cooler climate can help lower inflammation in your body and tighten your pores, leading to a healthier complexion and reducing the appearance of skin blemishes.

Fewer Insects

When the cold temperatures arrive, the bugs and pests take a break. As a result, you’ll be exposed to less bug-borne diseases, especially from mosquitos and ticks.

What are the cons of living in a cold place?

Considering most Americans surveyed said they’d rather live in a warmer climate, they may know something you haven’t realized yet.

So, what are the disadvantages of living in a cold country? Here’s a list of the wintery weather challenges you may face.

Harsh weather conditions

Cold states often experience long winters with frigid temperatures, strong winds, and heavy snowfall that can be physically demanding and uncomfortable for those not accustomed to such conditions.

Dangerous driving conditions

Snow and icy roads can pose significant driving hazards. Navigating slippery surfaces and dealing with poor visibility can increase the risk of accidents and make daily commutes more stressful.

Higher heating costs

The need for electric or gas heating systems, insulation, and regular maintenance to keep homes warm can lead to higher utility bills and financial strain.

cold state living - shovelingMore outdoor work

Snowfall makes it necessary to regularly shovel driveways, walkways, and sidewalks, which can be physically demanding and time-consuming. Plus, you may need to purchase snow blowers or heavy-duty shovels, which can be an additional financial burden.

Expense in investing in winter clothing

You’ll need to buy several sweaters, scarves, hats, and boots to keep warm. However, if winter fashion is your thing, you may not consider this factor a negative.

Limited outdoor activities

Cold temperatures can restrict certain outdoor activities, making it challenging to enjoy hobbies such as hiking, cycling, or picnics for a significant portion of the year.

Reduced access to fresh produce

Cold states often have shorter growing seasons, making it challenging to access fresh fruits and vegetables year-round.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Due to the shorter daylight hours and lack of sunshine in cold states, many people may experience Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a form of depression that arises during the winter months.

Higher rates of respiratory illnesses

The changing seasons affect the physical structures of viruses, making some, in particular, respiratory infections like colds, flu, or pneumonia, more difficult to stave off during the colder months. The constant exposure to cold and dry air, coupled with spending more time indoors may also impact your ability to fight off infections.

Weighing the pros and cons of cold state living

Deciding whether cold-state living is right for you ultimately depends on your preferences and priorities. Once you’ve considered all aspects, start planning your move to a cold state with the help of a professional moving company like JK Moving.
