Commercial Moving

Facility Managers: The ultimate guide to a seamless college move-in day

Move-in day for most college and university facility managers is a bustling affair, teeming with excitement and challenges. It means coordinating countless cars, calming frazzled students, and reassuring parents questioning why they packed so much. This critical day sets the tone for the new academic year, making it essential to have a well-oiled plan in place.

Your university’s goal is to have all students moved into their dorms on time, with their bags unpacked and acclimating to college life as quickly as possible.

The key to an optimal college move-in day lies in developing a comprehensive project management and logistics plan. This plan will ensure the continuity of welcoming students on campus and provide them with a smooth transition into their new home.

Pre-move-in day preparation

1. Inventory checklists and packing instructions:

  • Send inventory checklists to freshman parents well before move-in day. These checklists help families pack efficiently, ensuring that nothing essential is forgotten and reducing the likelihood of overpacking.
  • Packing and labeling tips help families maximize space and minimize damage and make the unpacking process smoother and more organized.

2. Communication plan:

  • Coordinate a comprehensive communication plan with your staff and volunteers. Ensure that everyone involved in the move-in process is on the same page and has the necessary information to assist new students and their families.
  • Utilize multiple communication channels such as emails, text messages, and social media updates to keep everyone informed about important details and any last-minute changes.

On the day of the move

1. Organized staging areas:

  • college moving in dayCorral labeled carts into a quad staging area (near doors or freight elevators) to streamline the process. This organization prevents chaos and ensures that everyone knows where to go and what to do.
  • Designate specific areas for different tasks, such as unloading zones, waiting areas, and information booths, to maintain order and efficiency.

2. Scheduled time slots:

  • Assign time slots to each freshman for their move-in. This staggered approach allows families and move staff enough time to unload without feeling rushed and reduces congestion.
  • Communicate these time slots clearly to all involved, ensuring that everyone adheres to their assigned schedule.

3. Point-of-contact:

  • Provide a dedicated point-of-contact for families to reach out to in case of any issues. This person should be easily accessible and well-informed to address any concerns or problems that may arise during the move-in process.
  • Have a visible information desk where families can seek help or get directions.

Safety and assistance

1. Uniformed and background-checked personnel:

  • Ensure your move staff consists of uniformed and background-checked personnel. This reassurance is crucial for parents concerned about the safety and security of their children.
  • Have staff wear easily identifiable uniforms or badges to make them stand out in the crowd.

2. Professional help:

  • Hire professional movers to assist families and students, helping to avoid unnecessary injury or strain. These professionals can handle heavy lifting, transport belongings to dorm rooms, and ensure that everything is placed correctly.
  • Consider partnering with a reputable moving company to provide this service, ensuring that all personnel are trained and experienced.

3. Weather preparedness:

  • Be prepared for unexpected weather conditions such as rain. Have procedures in place to protect student belongings, such as covered staging areas and waterproof covers.
  • Communicate weather-related plans to students and families in advance to prevent panic and ensure a smooth process despite adverse conditions.

Post-move-in day follow-up

1. Feedback collection:

  • Collect feedback from students and parents about the move-in process. This feedback is invaluable for identifying areas of improvement and ensuring that each year’s move-in day is better than the last.
  • Send out surveys or hold focus groups to gather detailed insights and suggestions.

2. Orientation and acclimatization:

  • Organize orientation sessions and activities to help new students acclimate to college life. These sessions can include campus tours, meet-and-greet events, and informational workshops.
  • Provide resources and support services to assist students in settling in, such as counseling services, academic advising, and extracurricular activities.


With all the right steps in place, you can expect a successful move-in day. A well-organized and efficient move-in process not only sets a positive tone for the start of the academic year but also leaves a lasting impression on students and their families. If you feel you need extra help, consider hiring professionals to assist with the logistics and ensure everything runs smoothly.

Click here to learn more about our university moving services and how we can assist in making your college move-in day a success.
