Residential Moving

Timing is everything: How to choose the best date for your move

Planning a move? Lucky you! Having the flexibility to choose your moving date gives you a huge advantage. The right date can save you money, reduce stress, and make the entire process smoother. This guide will help you navigate the key factors to consider when selecting your ideal move day.

When is the best season to move?

If your move is flexible enough where you can pick the season that you pack up and go, you’re in the minority – however, it does still happen. Here are the pros and cons of each season and what you can expect when you choose to move during these times of year:

Choosing your move date - summer movePros and cons of moving in summer

  • Pros:
    • The weather is nice
    • You can use paid vacation days to organize the move
    • The kids are out of school to help with the efforts
  • Cons:
    • Sometimes, the weather is too hot
    • Higher mover company prices
    • Low availability of useful moving supplies

Pros and cons of moving in winter

  • Pros:
    • Moving companies charge less
    • Availability of movers is higher
  • Cons:
    • Cold, unpredictable weather

Pros and cons of moving in spring and fall

  • Pros:
    • Reasonable mover prices
    • Mild weather
  • Cons:
    • Disruption of the kids’ school year

What days of the month should I move?

Did you know that there are certain days in the month that are better for a move? There are also days that make for a less convenient move. If you have the freedom to pick the day of the month that you move house, you might even be able to get reduced moving costs.

  • Avoid the Rush: Steer clear of the first and last few days of the month. These peak times coincide with rental lease endings, leading to higher moving costs and limited availability.
  • Weekday Wins: Weekends are convenient but more expensive due to higher mover demand. Opt for a mid-week move to score better rates and a wider selection of supplies.

What day of the week should I move?

Picking the right day of the week is another crucial detail. Keep in mind that weekends are always going to be more expensive than weekdays, since demand for movers is higher on those days (because people are off work and can move more easily). If you can pick the day of the week for your move happen, aim for somewhere in the middle of the week.

What hour should I move?

early morning moving truck Yes, even the hour you choose matters. Most moves take place in the morning, especially during the summer because you can get the job done before the hottest part of the day. If you’re completing a local move, you probably want to be in your new place by the end of the day, so it makes sense to start in the morning.

Choosing a morning move is often the best route to take, but you might get a discount if you choose a time of day that most people don’t pick, like the afternoon or the evening.

The bottom line: Move smart, save money

By strategically choosing your moving date, you can significantly impact your experience. Here are some key takeaways to remember:

  • Move During the Off-Season: September to May typically offers lower costs.
  • Embrace Mid-Month Moves: Avoid the rush of month-end lease changes.
  • Weekdays Win: Opt for weekdays over weekends for better rates.
  • Consider Off-Peak Times: Explore late afternoon or evening moves for potential discounts.

The goal is to make your move as convenient as possible, and knowing these details can help make that happen. Having the freedom to choose when you move means you’re already starting off on the right foot, and you’re well on your way to having the most seamless – and streamlined – move possible.
