Residential Moving

Maximizing your home's value: Home selling tips to wow potential buyers

Selling a home can be a stressful and time-consuming, yet with the right tips, you can sell your home efficiently and attract potential buyers quickly. To get you on the right track, we’ve pulled together some helpful tips for enticing buyers and preparing your home for the market. Whether you’re a first-time seller or a seasoned pro, these tips will help you sell your home in no time – and for a great price!

How to amaze potential buyers

Put your listing at the forefront of buyers’ minds with these recommendations:

1. Don’t skimp on listing photos

First impressions are everything, and that includes how you present your home in the listing. In the listing photos, make a point to highlight the best features your home has to offer, and do that in the most aesthetically pleasing way by investing in a professional photographer. You don’t need pictures of every single nook and cranny – simply emphasizing the best parts will make buyers want to schedule a showing.

2. Schedule an open house

Hosting an open house creates a buzz around your listing. Opening your doors attracts buyers of all sorts, along with buyers’ agents. By hosting an open house, you increase the odds of receiving multiple bids over the course of one day, and you may avoid having to schedule multiple showings.

3. Be flexible and accommodating

As you might expect, scheduling showings (and following through with them) is not always a convenient experience. Yet in order to sell your home quickly and efficiently, remain flexible and accommodate your potential buyers’ schedules. Keep your home as clean as possible over the period of time when you’ll be showing it, and designate a place where you can drop off clutter at a moment’s notice.

4. Hire a competent realtor

In today’s digital age, your realtor should know how to use social media marketing to its fullest extent. And not only should they be proficient in every social media channel, they should also know how to utilize email marketing, mailers, and events to amp up the excitement for your listing.

5. Don’t over-improve

While it’s always a good idea to get your home in its best condition, don’t take on more than you can handle in a reasonable amount of time. Leave the additions and major improvements to the people who buy it. Big projects will only slow down the selling process. Stick to small improvements like repainting, decluttering, and small aesthetic repairs.

How to prepare your house for the market

Home sellingBefore you can get a handle on how to prepare your house for the market, you need to have an idea of the current condition of your home. You’ll also need to know your listing price.

If your listing price is lofty, consider making improvements so the quality of your home matches the price you’re trying to sell it for. If you’d rather skip the improvements, consider lowering the price. Remember, you can always ask your listing agent for help in this department!

Speaking of listing agents, choosing the right one is imperative to prevent your home from sitting on the market for ages. A good realtor will set you up for success.

Another thing you and your realtor should do is assess the local housing market before landing on a final listing price. Going too high or too low can do a lot of harm to your listing.

How long does it take to sell a house?

There are many factors that play into how long it takes to sell a house, and one of the most crucial is your location. Yet, according to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), it takes about 18 days for a home to completely sell from the time it was listed.

The month of May has traditionally been the best time to sell. During May, homes typically sell faster and for higher asking prices. Yet May isn’t a catch-all for the best time to sell, as the best time depends on a number of factors, including location, your current life circumstances, and the economic climate at the time you’re selling.

Messy House? Sell It Fast!

Thinking of selling but worried about the clutter? Don’t sweat it! Here’s how to transform your messy house into a buyer magnet:

  • Declutter ruthlessly. Be honest: what haven’t you used in a year? Donate, sell, or toss it. Buyers want a blank canvas to envision their future.
  • Sparkling clean is key. Deep clean everything from dusty shelves to grimy floors. Consider hiring pros for a major shine.
  • Stage for impact. Strategic furniture and minimal décor create an illusion of space. Invest in rentals if needed.
Bonus Tip: Price competitively – a messy house might need a lower price tag.

By decluttering, cleaning, and staging, you’ll attract buyers and sell your house fast! And, when it does, make sure to call JK Moving for help with your big move!
